
Slight change to the News

For the past couple of months I have been trying out a service to bring you more "relevant" news over the normal gurgitation of hardware reviews from "friendly" websites.  During this time I kinda took a backseat to posting news myself to see what would happen.

Over the past several weeks I have noticed...  umm.  no real noticeable change in traffic and a good number of you writing in to express a dislike to the new format.  (go figure)

As a result I'll be going back to my prevision irregular schedule of techreview postings and changed the site to put a higher emphasis on Hardware Asylum generated content.  You will still see the PR posts but instead of getting the full story only the title will show.  The sidebar has also been changed to only show Hardware Asylum generated content.

You can still see and read about the PR stuff by going to the main news page.  It is still in "blog" format but I plan to tweak that a little bit to match many of the more contemporary news sites best I can.

As always if you have any questions or concerns be sure to send me an email or drop by the forums, register for an account and post as much as you feel is needed to get your point across.

if you are interested in helping Hardware Asylum by posting techrevew type things email me and we'll talk.