
SethBling Builds a Working Atari 2600 in Minecraft

I have been known to play a little Minecraft from time to time and even built a few Redstone circuits.  Nothing complex just a few hidden doors, lights and stuff like that.  Redstone itself is pretty easy to understand, you flip a switch, the redstone lights and something happens.  Flip the switch again and it goes back to the ready state.

A computer works in much the same way, On = 1 and Off = 0.  Extrapolate that outwards and you can build a computer program, processor, memory etc all within the confines of Minecraft.

SethBling has published a video showing off his Atari 2600 emulator and three games.  Donkey Kong, Space Invaders and Pac Man.  Back in the day these ran from a cartridge and at about 1Mhz on the 2600.  For the Minecraft version it takes about four hours to render a single frame.

This makes the Atari game unplayable but does prove a point that given enough time you can do just about anything in Minecraft.

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