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  • Computex 2013: Day 1 - The Start of the Show
  • Computex 2013: Day 1 - The Start of the Show



    In the past I would never schedule meetings on the first day of any trade show.  Some of this was superstition thinking that I would have travel issues or would be late or completely miss a meeting but, mostly it was so I had a chance to see what all was on display and get some good photos.  This year I decided to throw caution to the wind and reverse my traditions.
    My first meeting was with a new NAS company called Asustor who makes some of the coolest NAS devices you can buy.  Their new product this Computex is the 3 Series NAS that features a new admin interface and is designed to be less expensive for mainstream users.
    The 3 series NAS devices feature atom processors and come with an HDMI video out so they can be used as smart media players for the living room.  You can also install a variety of applications to extend and customize how the NAS works on your network.