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  • Patriot Division 2 Viper Xtreme PC3 15000 Memory Review
  • Patriot Division 2 Viper Xtreme PC3 15000 Memory Review


    Benchmarks - Synthetic

    The system as it was tested
    Intel Core i7 2600K (3.4Ghz) Quad Core 4x 256KB L2 Cache 8MB L3 Cache
    Custom Watercooler
    1x nVidia GTX 580
    Western Digital VelociRaptor 150gb SerialATA 10000RPM
    LG 20x Super Multi GSA-H55L
    Corsair HX 850 Watt PSU
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Memory Tested
    2x Patriot Division 2 Viper Xtreme PC1866 4GB DDR3 (9-11-9-27)
    2x Corsair Dominator GT PC2000 4GB DDR3 (7-8-7-21)
    SiSoft Sandra
    Sandra is a software collection of synthetic benchmarks that will give us a basic idea as to what a system is capable of. It should be noted that SiSoft numbers can change depending on what version you have installed; these were recorded using Sandra Professional Version 17.25.2011.1
    AIDA64 Extreme Edition
    AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking software package designed to assist with overclocking and general system tuning.  The package also contains modules to assess the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives in addition to normal stuff like stress testing and troubleshooting.  
    Unreal Tournament 3
    UT3 is the fourth game in the Unreal Tournament series.  It has no story mode gameplay and is exclusively designed for multiplayer action.  While the gameplay and weapons are similar to the UT2004 counterpart, the gaming engine is all new.  For this benchmark, we're using the UT3Bench tool from Guru3D, and CarbonFire Botmatch to record framerates.  The resolution was set to 1680x1050 since we wanted to access total system performance.
    Crysis is based in a fictional future where an ancient alien spacecraft has been discovered beneath the Earth on an island off the coast of China.  Crysis uses DirectX 10 for graphics rendering.  For this benchmark we are using the Crysis Benchmarking Tool to run the Assault Harbor demo at 1680x1050 with global quality set to High.
    Benchmark Conclusion
    As enthusiasts we know that lower timings will always render better performance since the data can get in and out of the system memory faster.  Sadly, the applications for this are limited to a few special cases.  In our tests we see the benefits of lower timings when it comes to total bandwidth and latency however depending on what game you look at the outcome can be considerably different.