
Microsoft uses 3DMark to show DirectX 12 benefits

The people at Futuremark are really excited to see that Microsoft is using their benchmark to illustrate the benefits of DirectX 12. 

If you’re a gamer, you know what 3DMark is – a great way to do game performance benchmarking on all your hardware and devices.  This makes it an excellent choice for verifying the performance improvements that Direct3D 12 will bring to games.  3DMark on Direct3D 11 uses multi-threading extensively, however due to a combination of runtime and driver overhead, there is still significant idle time on each core.  After porting the benchmark to use Direct3D 12, we see two major improvements – a 50% improvement in CPU utilization, and better distribution of work among threads.

In an email from Futuremark they announced a new benchmark that will be focused on DX12 and I'm really excited to see what they come up with.  Along the same lines, let's hope the DX12 version of 3Dmark 11 doesn't leak out since that will effectively kill off any competitive scores currently in place.

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