• podcast
  • Holiday Gift Buying Guide for Gamers of all Types
  • Holiday Gift Buying Guide for Gamers of all Types


    Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
    Time: 29:23

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    Originally recorded November 2022

    Show Notes

    With the shopping season quickly approaching we felt it was time to thrown down an holiday shopping list that is actually quite relevant for ANY shopping season, especially if you happen to catch this podcast episode after the holiday shopping season.

    The list we will be sampling is from Wired.com and is the top 19 Best Gifts for the PC Gamer.

    Be sure to check out the podcast for details related to these picks or click the links below if you want to pick up any of these items for yourself or a gamer.

    Dennis and Darren Bonus Picks

    That will be the last episode for 2022.  Happy Holidays everyone and we will see you again in 2023!

    Related Links
    The 19 Best Gifts for the PC Gamer in Your Life

    Episode 142 featured music:
    Little People - Start Shootin' (http://www.littlepeoplemusic.com/)